Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery. The University of Glasgow's Hunterian is the oldest museum in Scotland.
   It covers the Hunterian Museum, the Hunterian Art Gallery, the Mackintosh House, the Zoology Museum and the Anatomy Museum, all located in various buildings on the main campus of the University in the west end of Glasgow. In 1783 William Hunter died and his will stipulated that his substantial and varied collections should be donated to the University of Glasgow.
   Hunter, writing to Dr William Cullen, stated that they were to be well and carefully packed up and safely conveyed to Glasgow and delivered to the Principal and Faculty of the College of Glasgow to whom I give and bequeath the same to be kept and preserved by them and their successors for ever. in such sort, way, manner and form as. shall seem most fit and most conducive to the improvement of the students of the said University of Glasgow.
   The museum first opened in 1807, in a specially constructed building off the High Street, adjoining the original campus of the University. For this, Hunter ensured funds for its building and design by architect William Stark through his three trustees namely his nephew Matthew Baillie, his Scottish lawyer Robert Barclay of Capelrig House and John Millar cousin of Dr William Cullen When the University moved west to its new site at Gilmorehill the museum moved too.
   In 1870, the Hunterian collections were transferre
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