Canada. Canadian art refers to the visual as well as plastic arts originating from the geographical area of contemporary Canada.
   Art in Canada is marked by thousands of years of habitation by Indigenous peoples followed by waves of immigration which included artists of European origins and subsequently by artists with heritage from countries all around the world. The nature of Canadian art reflects these diverse origins, as artists have taken their traditions and adapted these influences to reflect the reality of their lives in Canada.
   The Government of Canada has played a role in the development of Canadian culture, through the department of Canadian Heritage by giving grants to art galleries, as well as establishing and funding art schools and colleges across the country, and through the Canada Council for the Arts, the national public arts funder, helping artists, art galleries and periodicals, thus contributing to the visual exposure of Canada`s heritage. The Canada Council Art Bank also helps artists by buying and publicizing their work.
   The Canadian government has sponsored four official war art programs: the First World War Canadian War Memorials Fund, the Second World War Canadian War Records, the Cold War Canadian Armed Forces Civilian Artists Program, and the current Canadian Forces Artists Program. The Group of Seven is often considered the first uniquely Canadian artistic g
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