Wen Of Han. Emperor Wen of Han was the fifth emperor of the Han dynasty of ancient China.
   His personal name was Liu Heng. Liu Heng was a son of Emperor Gao of Han and Consort Bo, later empress dowager.
   When Emperor Gao suppressed the rebellion of Dai, he made Liu Heng Prince of Dai. After Empress Dowager Lü's death, the officials eliminated the powerful Lü clan, and deliberately chose the Prince of Dai as the emperor, since his mother, Consort Bo, had no powerful relatives, and her family was known for its humility and thoughtfulness.
   His reign brought a much needed political stability that laid the groundwork for prosperity under his grandson Emperor Wu. According to historians, Emperor Wen trusted and consulted with ministers on state affairs; under the influence of his Taoist wife, Empress Dou, the emperor also sought to avoid wasteful expenditures. Historians noted that the tax rates were at a ratio of 1 out of 30 and 1 out of 60, corresponding to 3.33% and 1.67%, respectively.
   Warehouses were so full of grain that some of it was left to decay. Emperor Wen was said by Liu Xiang to have devoted much time to legal cases, and to have been fond of reading Shen Buhai, using Xing-Ming, a form of personnel examination, to control his subordinates. In a move of lasting importance in 165 BC, Wen introduced recruitment to the civil service through examination. Previously, potential officials nev
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