Laomedon. In Greek mythology, Laomedon was a Trojan king, son of Ilus and thus nephew of Ganymede and Assaracus.
   Laomedon was the father of Priam, Astyoche, Lampus, Hicetaon, Clytius, Cilla, Proclia, Aethilla, Medesicaste, Clytodora, and Hesione. Tithonus is also described by most sources as Laomedon's eldest legitimate son; and most sources omit Ganymede from the list of Laomedon's children, but indicate him as his uncle instead.
   Laomedon's possible wives are Placia, Strymo and Leucippe; by the former he begot Tithonus and by the latter King Priam. Priamus was the son of Leucippe, whereas Tithonus was the son of Rhoeo or Strymo, the daughter of Scamander.
   He also had a son named Bucolion by the nymph Calybe, as recounted by Homer in the Iliad. Dictys Cretensis added Thymoetes to the list of Laomedon's children.
   Laomedon owned several horses with divine parentage that Zeus had given Tros as compensation for the kidnapping of Tros's son Ganymede. Anchises secretly bred his own mares from these horses. According to one story, Ganymede was kidnapped by Zeus, who had fallen in love with the beautiful boy. Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer for the gods, a position of much distinction. Laomedon himself was the son of Ganymede's brother Ilus, t
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