Lucretia (1664). Oil on canvas. 120 x 101. Lucretia is a 1664 history painting historically attributed to the Dutch Golden Age painter Rembrandt in the collection of the National Gallery of Art. In 2015, Ernst van de Wetering of the Rembrandt Research Project said that the formal properties and execution of painting, I am convinced, exclude the possibility that it could be an autograph work by Rembrandt, and that the painting recalls Aert de Gelder. The painting is not included in the project's 2015 Rembrandt corpus. This painting was documented by Hofstede de Groot in 1915. Seen in full face with the lips parted. She inclines her head slightly to the left, in which direction she is looking. With her right hand she points a dagger at her breast; her uplifted left hand is stretched out. She wears a rich dress of greenish gold with wide sleeves and a laced bodice. Round her throat are a pearl necklace and a string with a pendant; in her ear is a pearl.