Three Marys. The Three Marys or Maries are women mentioned in the canonical gospel's narratives of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, several of whom were, or have been considered by Christian tradition, to have been named Mary.
The Gospels give the name Mary to several individuals. At various points of Christian history, some of these women have been conflated with one another.
Mary, mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalene.
Mary of Jacob. Mary of Clopas.
Mary of Bethany. Another woman who appears in the Crucifixion and Resurrection narratives is Salome, who, in some traditions, is identified as being one of the Marys, notwithstanding having a different name. In such cases, she is referred to as Mary Salome. Other women mentioned in the narratives are Joanna and the mother of the sons of Zebedee. Different sets of three women have been referred to as the Three Marys: Three Marys present at the crucifixion of Jesus;. Three Marys at the tomb of Jesus on Easter Sunday;. Three Marys as daughters of Saint Anne. The presence of a group of female disciples of Jesus at the crucifixion of Jesus is found in all four Gospels of the New Testament. Differences in the parallel accounts have led to different interpretations of how many and which women were present. In some traditions, as exemplified in the Irish song Caoineadh na dTri Muire, the Three Marys are the three whom the Gospel of John mentions a