Procuress. Procuring or pandering is the facilitation or provision of a prostitute or sex worker in the arrangement of a sex act with a customer.
   A procurer, colloquially called a pimp or a madam, is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings. The procurer may receive this money in return for advertising services, physical protection, or for providing, and possibly monopolizing, a location where the prostitute may engage clients.
   Like prostitution, the legality of certain actions of a madam or a pimp vary from one region to the next. Examples of procuring include: trafficking a person into a country for the purpose of soliciting sex.
   operating a prostitution business. transporting a prostitute to the location of their arrangement.
   deriving financial gain from the prostitution of another. Pimps and madams are diverse and variegated, depending on the strata in which they work, and they enter and leave the sex industry for a variety of internal and external reasons, such as family pressure, interactions with the police, and in some cases recruitment from peer sex workers. Procuring can take abusive forms. Madams/pimps may punish clients for physical abuse or failure to pay, and enforce exclusive rights to 'turf' where their prostitutes may advertise and operate with less competition. In the many places where prostitution is outlawed, sex workers have decreased incentive to
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