Christ in House of Martha and Mary. Christ in the House of Martha and Mary is an oil-on-canvas painting from Spanish artist Diego Velázquez, dating to his Seville period.
   Housed in the National Gallery, London, United Kingdom, it was painted in 1618, shortly after he completed his apprenticeship with Pacheco. At this time, Velázquez was experimenting with the potential of the bodegones, a form of genre painting set in taverns or kitchens which was frequently used to relate scenes of contemporary Spain to themes and stories from the Bible.
   Often they contained depictions of people working with food and drink. Velázquez has painted the interior of a kitchen with two half-length women to the left; the one on the left appeared in his Old Woman Cooking Eggs from the same period.
   On the table are a number of foods, perhaps the ingredients of an Aioli. These have been prepared by the maid.
   Extremely realistic, they were probably painted from the artist's own household as they appear in other bodegones from the same time. In the background is a biblical scene, generally accepted to be the story of Martha and Mary. In it, Christ goes to the house of a woman named Martha. Her sister, Mary, sat at his feet and listened to him speak. Martha, on the other hand, went to make all the preparations that had to be made. Upset that Mary did not help her, she complained to Christ to which he responded: Martha, Martha. you are worrie
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